Monday, 3 October 2016

La Haine




Scenes for Poverty:

Art Exhibition: 
I would write about the art exhibition as it shows a clear divided between Hubert, Said and Vinz and high society in Paris, it reflects on how they sick out and don't fit in when they're not in the projects and people resent them for it.

Hubert's Home:
This scene shows how families in the projects are also very reliant on their children to provide income not the house, Hubert giving his mother money and her not being quizzical shows that she may know what he does togged money but doesn't want to question it or stop it because she wants to support her family.

Scenes for Power:

Police Station:
At the police station the police officers show their distinguished and unnecessary sense of power towards Said and Hubert. The officers train a new officer in how to have fun and use the boys almost as toys for amusement, however there is a play of power, although the officers seem to have all the power in the situation Hubert's eye contact with the policeman in training shows he has subtle power to influence his decisions.

Vinz's Death:
During this scene a lack of power can be discussed as in the film power between the police and the men from the projects gets passed around, however in this scene nobody was in power and nobody had the power to change the situation, the officer with the gun does appear to control the situation but the direct stand of between hubert and the officer contradicts that. The death of Vinz is accidental and in the situation even the one who fired the shot had not power tons top it.

Scenes for Conflict:

Bathroom Scene:
During this scene the conflict between Vinz and Hubert is made obvious by there divide within the shot. They stand on opposite ends on the screen and even in the reflection in the mirror that divide is obvious.

Last Train Scene:
The last train scene Hubert, Vinz and said are all sitting on the train separately and in silence, this is a reflection of how there are divides growing between the group and they are beginning to drift apart, however said still remains in the middle of them both and stays in his position as the mediator.

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